Forex Card Rates

Forex Card Rates

Ujjivan SFB Forex Card Rates

DATE: 21-02-2025 | TIME: 09:27:26 AM

Currency TypeCurrency (In Rs.)T.T. Buying (Inw Rem)T.T. Selling (O/w Rem)
U.A.E. DirhamAED22.8224.29
Australian DollarAUD53.3357.42
Canadian DollarCAD59.2862.82
Swiss FrancsCHF93.8498.85
Chinese YuanCNY--
Danish KroneDKK11.7612.61
Great Britain PoundGBP106.56112.66
Hong Kong DollarHKD10.7911.48
Japanese YenJPY0.55320.5984
Korean WonKRW0.05760.0632
Malaysian RinggitMYR--
Norwegian KroneNOK7.428.18
New Zealand DollarNZD47.7952.00
Omani RialOMR217.43232.04
Saudi RiyalSAR22.3523.79
Swedish KronerSEK7.758.53
Singapore DollarSGD63.6566.06
Thai bahtTHB2.482.67
United States DollarUSD84.9788.07
South African RandZAR4.514.93
Lankan RupeeLKR--
Turkish LiraTRY--
Bahraini DinarBHD222.41236.76
Kuwaiti DinarKWD271.22289.65
Qatari RiyalQAR22.9224.55
Russian RubleRUB--
Chinese YuanCNH11.4112.49


  • Exchange rates mentioned are indicative and are subject to change based on market fluctuations without prior notice. The final rate applicable will be the card rate prevailing at the time of debit/credit to customer account.
  • Forex services (Inward Remittance, Outward Remittance, Foreign Currency Draft Issuance & Foreign Currency Draft / Cheque Collection) can be availed for savings accounts only.
  • Card rates are for foreign currency conversion to INR
  • Please contact your nearest Ujjivan Small Finance Bank branch for the final rates before proceeding with the transaction.

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