Search For Unclaimed Deposits

Unclaimed Deposit accounts are accounts which have not been operated for the last 10 years.
To view your account details, please input your name as maintained in the Bank records:

For claiming the deposits, please contact any of our branches. You may speak to the Branch Manager, Branch Operations Officer, or Customer Care Representative. 
You may also contact our Phone Banking number 1800-208-2121 (toll-free) or email us at customercare[at]ujjivan[dot]com

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Name of the Customer / DepositorAddress of the Customer / Depositor


What is an Unclaimed Deposit?

The amount to the credit of any account in India with any bank which has not been operated upon for a period of 10 years or any 
deposit or any amount remaining unclaimed for more than 10 years shall be transferred to Depositor Education and Awareness 
Fund (DEAF) of RBI within a period of 3 months from the expiry of the said period of 10 years.

Where can I search for an unclaimed deposit?

What are the documents required to be submitted for processing the claim?

A. Claim Form:

a). Self-attested true copy of any of the following Officially valid documents (OVDs) as

a proof of identity:

I. Aadhaar

II. Driving License


IV. National Population Registry Letter

V. Passport

VI. Voter ID Card issued by Election commission of India


b). ID Number of the Officially Valid Document (OVD) provided as proof of identity.


c). Other details:

I. Bank Account Number

II. Type of Bank Account Number-SB/CA/CC/OD

III. Account Name/Title

IV. Name of the Bank

V. Branch Name and Address

VI. IFSC code


B. Cancelled cheque or passbook for the destination account in case of transfer

request to another Bank account.


C. A complete set of KYC documents, i.e., ID proof, address proof and latest photograph.

Where should the claim form to be submitted?

The claim form to be submitted at branch along with complete documentation.

Who can claim the balance transferred to RBI DEAF?

An ETB (existing to bank) customer or nominee/legal heir in the case of a deceased customer
(as per Bank’s Death Claim Process) can claim the balance transferred to RBI DEAF.

What is the TAT (Turn Around Time) for the processing of claim payment?

Turn Around Time is T +1 (T refers to Today, the date of receiving complete claim form along
with required documents).